June 28th

Day two on Kangaroo Island, the weather is beautiful. Didn’t expect that. We headed out to the Cygnet River, where there is a nice free camp ,not that we have the van with us, but was worth checking it out, and the old farm that used to have a eucalyptus distillery down on the river bank.

So it was a good place to have an early morning walk . and take some more old world photos. Hope your not getting bored with the pics of old stuff.

We thought this was an old well, but Chris does all the reading, and said it was the old toilet, anyway there was a very deep hole inside the rails !?

Down the road a bit further is Wisanger, Another stop to look at the old school.

Out the back in the playground was the old loo, no I haven’t got a fascination with toilets, but this one still had the old double wooden seat in it. Imagine that in this day and age.!!

Also in the same area is Georges Castle, the 3rd generation to live on the property, he has spent the last 20 years, transforming the farm into a wonderland, complete with 60,000 fairy lights. Just some of the photos I took as there was way to many displays, to show them all.

From there it we went on to the coast and stopped into Stokes bay, We enjoyed the walk through the rocks, dodging the waves as we came onto the beach, a lovely sheltered little beach

I love the way plants attach themselves to the rocks, a real natures garden. Next stop was King George Beach,

Then Snellings Beach.

From there it was all down hill into the beautiful Western River Cove.

If your wondering about lunches or coffee breaks, there’s none. Whether it be covid or the bush fires, or just that it is off season. there is nothing open. And very few stores anyway. Lucky Chris set up the Pie warmer he had in a truck, in the Triton, so each day we take lunches with us. Our last stop for the day was Cape Borda Lighthouse, at the far end of the Island. They wernt sure if they wanted it to be round or square, so it’s a combination of both.

The grader was out there, doing the road, and it really needs it. Bit rough going on all the coastal roads. there is only 2 major sealed roads from one end to the other, the rest is gravel, some ok and some not so good.

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