June 26th

We met up with friends again yesterday morning. Climbing the Bluff in Victor Harbour was 1st on the agender.

The track up goes around the cliff edges, it was a beautiful day and the views were spectacular. A rather steep incline, and at times looking down was a bit scary.

Goolwa is a nice area and not far from Victor Harbour.

Our exercise done we drove across the Peninsular to the western side to some of the beach areas. this is Aldinga beach below.

Again nice views, no matter which way you looked from the lookouts. Then there was Willunga .We parked in the car park and took the walk down the cliff face to the waters edge.

The path down was good, then some stairs led to the waters edge, where some remains of the old jetty are still in the water.

From there it was just a quick hop step and jump, while the waves were out, to get onto the rocks and walk along below the cliff, to see caves that had been dug out of the cliff face.

Apparently the caves had been dug out to put boats in, back in the 1800s

We headed back through Yankalilla as the rain was starting to come across, and it had turned cold, again. It was a nice day out and we arrived back at the park, in time to get the washing off the line, and watch the footy on TV. We left Victor Harbour this morning in the rain.

The rain eased, and we followed rainbows as we headed down the coast.

As we got closer to Cape Jarvis, we could see Kangaroo Island across the water, that’s where we are off to for 4 days. We unhooked the van at the Tavern and went to have a look around the area.

Just near the town of Silverton is the old Talisker mining site, again from the early 1800s. We did the walk through the bush looking at all the old building remains and mine shafts. You can also see where they dug the material out to make the bricks for the buildings.

The only thing that spoils the natural beauty of Morgans Beach is those ugly wind turbines. South Australia has them everywhere.

From there it was back to have dinner at the Tavern and get a good nights sleep in the van, before we board the ferry at 5.30am for Kangaroo Island. Day one of KI tomorrow night hopefully, night night.

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