June 23rd

We are very happy with our new awning. After a couple of wet days in Adelaide, we started to travel down the Fleurier peninsular . First stop was for morning tea and a walk out on the jetty at Glenelg.

Ok, that’s enough of city dwellings and the traffic that goes with it. As there isn’t many free camps down this way and we don’t like Caravan parks, we phoned the Forestry Dept and booked into a bush camp for 2 nights. I think we were given a top spot. Yes, that is sun shining, good for the solar, and a table setting and fire pit as well.

It was nice to be able to go for a walk through the bush, without getting wet, and I cooked baked pork and vegetables outside in the Weber for lunch. A relaxing day.

After two quiet nights in the forest, we travelled across the hilly countryside to Goolwa , where there is a big bridge that goes across to Hindmarsh Island, which is where the mouth of the mighty Murray River is.

We have often stayed along the Murray over the years, as it flows through so many areas, but I had never given any thought to where it actually entered the sea. Interesting !!

We met up with a couple of friends there, and arranged to catch up after we booked into a Victor Harbour caravan park. That done we went back into town, had a cuppa and then took the horse and tram over to Granite Island which is just across the Harbour, via a walking bridge, and tram line.

Once on the island we spent the next couple of hours walking around the complete island.

Up the stairs to start with, then around the cliff face, well worth the views , and some fun in the big Granite rocks at the top.

This wind blown tree at the top was worth a pic I thought. then it was down the other side to where our trusty horse was being hitched to the other end of the carriage, for the journey back to Victor Harbour.

No cooking for the girls that night , We decided fish and chips at the Flying Fish restaurant on the waterfront at Port Elliot was the go. A beautiful evening to be out.

Well that was yesterday. We are still in Victor Harbour tonight and we’ve had a big day today so that’s it for tonight .

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