June 20th

It became very windy and cold at Narrung, so we took the van for its 1st ferry ride across the lakes and then up to Wellington.

The weather being horrible, we just took a couple of pics and kept going.

From there it was to Tailem Bend, another quick look around.

Milang seems an interesting little place on the shaws of Lake Alexandrina, would like to of had more of a look around, on a nice day though. lots of brightly coloured fishing huts on the foreshore. And one very old out house.

Having enough of the cold, we booked into a caravan park at Strathalbyn, before going for a rather brisk walk through the main area of town. then it was back to the airconditioned van for the night.

After a warm night, the next day we spent the day in Adelaide, in pouring rain. Well most of the day was indoors at the Port Adelaide Maritime Museum.

We quite enjoyed the time there, I found this hand woven version of a carp, amazing.

Still a kid at heart, and not all on display was to do with the sea.

I loved how this photo frame is crafted out of small pieces of timber ,cut and fitted together without any nails or glue.

And my pic for the day goes to this vessel made from matchsticks. Incredible. When we finished at the Maritime ,we had enough time left to go through the railway museum, and it was still raining.

Well that’s enough of the city, for now. So back to St Kilda for the night. Chris had some fun in the Kids playground. We are staying overnight in the foreshore car park across from the park, as its handy to where we have to go to get a new awning fitted to the van.

I didn’t go aboard the pirate ship, as there was some nutter threatening to cut my head off

Thats it for now, we head back down south to Victor Harbour tomorrow.