June 18th

Our camp site at Lakeside C/P was a nice one, a grassed area right on the lake and had its own BBQ and outdoor setting

The next day we woke to a brilliant sunny morning, for a change, just what we needed to go explore Robe.

Our first stop was out at the point where an Obelisk sits on the cliff edge, doubt it will sit there much longer, the way the cliff is crumbling away

We did a cliff top walk, Robe is suck a nice place to see on a sunny day.

There is also the remains of a goal from the 1800s

So much of the old stone work around South Australia is being restored and used. This is a lookout below,

From Robe we drove out to Point Jaffa, and on some not so good roads.

One of our walks took us through dense scrub for a couple of klms, till we came across more goal relics. Must of been a lot of bad buggers back in 1800s

Some of the tracks we took, we maybe shouldn’t have, but so far Chris has managed to get us out without any damage.

This turn around took more goes than usual. But it was worth it. Then we made our way through the bush to the beach.

And look what we found,!!! Made for interesting conversation ,when we finally got back to the car park and met the owner and his rescue party. They were also impressed with Chris’s turning ability with the van on.

Also on the way back to the car, Chris came across a wombat, but I didn’t get a good photo. First time we have seen one in the wild, alive, usually they are dead on the side of the road.

Thats it for tonight, Kingston is next……

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