June 17th

The last 2 days we have been so busy sightseeing the coastal areas that I have got behind with the blog, Again !!

Lets see, where was I up to .We ended up staying overnight at a roadside stop, it was more sheltered than the coast and lake areas of the last 2 nights. The drive along the coast to Beachport was lovely.

They call this a blowhole, but nothing like the Kiama blowhole. Anyway it was nice for a photo, with the rainbow and stormy clouds over the sea.

It didn’t matter which way you looked, we were in for some rain. So it was a good time to head into Robe, and book into a caravan park for the night. Lakeside park was nice and we had a good spot,with our own BBQ and seating, no we didn’t use it ! It poured rain, and we spent most of the next few hours, in the laundry. We certainty make use of our park stops, and the air condition run most of the night. Thats it for tonight catch up on our stay in Robe next.