June 14th

Mt Gambier area has many lakes, we enjoyed viewing the Blue Lakes and driving through the streets with so many beautiful old buildings and homes.

This cactus garden took my eye, but the photo doesn’t do it justice

Still in Mt Gambier, we stopped for a photo of the Valley Lake. It was very cold and starting to rain.

Next stop was at Pines Cave. We happened to stop at the right time as there were a couple diving in the Crystal clear water in the cave. First time we have seen this, and defiantly not for the faint hearted.

After a good day and seeing something new, we made camp on the banks of Lake Leake. We stayed there for two nights, until we were sick of staying in bed all day, as it was too floggin cold and wet to go out. A nice spot, even had wood for a fire, but too cold and windy to sit out.

This morning we headed toward Millicent, going through the pine forests.

We stopped in at the Tantanoola caves, but they were closed, however we were still able to do the rocky walk over the top and have a nice view of the surrounding forests.

Tantanoola Pub

Not far from Millicent, we stopped for lunch at Lake McIntyre, so much bird life here. It appears to have been a quarry at some stage, and now has been returned to nature with walks and picnic areas provided for the public.

There is also a number of bird watching huts provided. I could of spent hours here.

From there we went out to the coast and Southend. A nice area, overlooking the rugged coastline

Normally I would walk out to the end of a wharf, but half way was enough in this cold wind

A quick stop for a couple of photos at Cape Buffon, then to find a sheltered spot to camp the night.

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