June 11th

We stayed 4 days at Willaura footy ground. No photos, it rained each day and the town only has a bakery, butchers, IGA and post office. We walked up town each day and bought vanilla slices, best in the country, we think, and this bakery is renowned far and wide for them. We did do some short day drives from there, one out to Lake Bolac. Cold and windy. Dont think the temperature rose above 8 deg, for a week !.

On the road again we stopped to look through a little church in Glenthompson. All the walls inside are painted with pastel shade murals. Just lovely.

Still raining, the next town was Dunkeld. Even the roos thought It strange to see a woman with an umbrella taking photos in their Arboretum.

Not the best wood sculptures I’ve seen, but better than I could do ..eh!

Lunch was at Lake Hamilton, under a shealter shed, and yes those showers are still hanging around.

Did some shopping in Hamilton, which of cause included a trip to Bunnings.

Then we braved the showers of rain and went walking around some of the waterfalls in the area before settling on a camp spot at Wannon Falls.

There are steps that go down to the bottom of Nigretta Falls. So that was our exercise for the day. Plus I was able to have some fun with photos through the fallen trees.

One of the walks above the Wannon falls takes you along the Wannon River before it drops over the cliff. There is a bit of a scary platform above the falls as well. Not sure if I Stopped long enough for the camera to focus. However the rocks were all covered in beautiful different colourd mosses . Which made for a worthwhile walk.

In all it was quite a big day over not so many miles. The park has its own waterfall as well . We set up camp and went for another walk ,in the rain. Nice buildings scattered around, even stone fireplaces. And a pizza oven!!

The sun had been trying to break through all day so hopefully we’ve seen the last of the rain. Back at the van the magpies were waiting for dinner. Chris feed them while I got our dinner ready . And the mum fed the squarking bub.

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