June 6th

The day in Ballarat, last Saturday, was rather chilly, but at least it wasn’t raining for most of the day, this guy even looked cold, and aptly named.

It’s not the best time of the year to be visiting Botanical gardens, but we had been told they were very good, and we weren’t disappointed. There is a lot of replanting going on, and not many flowers still in bloom. However the trees and shrubs were worth the visit, as well as everything else, we saw.

There is also quite a few interesting buildings, in the garden grounds, with displays inside.

Hundreds of black swans roam around the park as well as on the roadway, holding up the traffic as they take their time to cross the roads.

There are lots of beautiful statutes, and the ones in this glass house were really lovely

There is also a number of heritage homes, that have been moved onto the grounds and used to display craft.

This tree is a bit like the tree of life, born as two, join together, then branch out into many, they bloom and drop a mess everywhere, for others to clean up. Well that’s my version anyway . haha.

As well as a few ancient ones, here and there, looking grumpy and a bit worse for ware.

We walked around the pathways , taking in the scenery watching the water birds and swans.

Lunch was next in a cosy warm restaurant, we were given a table near the window, where we could watch the yachts out on the Lake.

After lunch, we went for a drive around the city. Cute little buildings on pontoons around the lake edges, but the weather had taken a turn for the worse, so I only took photos from the car.

As for old buildings, Ballarat has so many, it would of been nice to walk around. It was only about 7* and the rain had set in, so a quick drive, just a few photos, then back to the van and aircon.

I really enjoyed our day in Ballarat, its somewhere i would visit again [only, in spring] and spend more time there.