June 3rd

From Colac we headed North, past Lake Colac, which looked miserably cold. Keeping to some of the back roads we came across paddocks of stone fencing . So much work would of gone into building these. I’ve seen rock walls before, but never so many .Miles and miles of them. Just out of Pomborneit

From there we weaved up through lots of lakes and through another town called Lismore. We were trying to get to a another tressel bridge to have a look at. But a few wrong turns and we ended up at Devil’s Kitchen. Not sure why it’s called that but it was well worth the stop. Just out of Happy Valley.

At first it appeared to be just rocky clifts, but when we started wandering around, we found lovely waterholes, camping areas and I was in my element walking the bush tracks, rock hopping to cross streams and taking photos

Wonder who that idiot is waving his arms around trying to get attention .?

The clouds were starting to close in as we made our way back to the van . Now for another go at finding that tressel bridge. After backing out of one laneway, a property owner pulled up beside us. He had been watching us and gathered we were lost. A bit of a chat and some more directions, we were off again . Beautiful green hilly country.

When we got to this bridge, Chris assured me that we were only 4.999t. But I better get out just in case! I assured him I didn’t weigh a 100 kgs, but got out and walked across just the same.

Finally we found the Nimmons bridge at Newtown. It is still in use as part of the bike rail trail, so we could walk over it and then back via a track under it. Apparently the longest built in Victoria and the 4th highest.

On our travells around the hills that day, we came across these unusual mushrooms. Pretty big and heaps of them. I looked up their name, but can’t remember it.

After a big day we pulled into the Lions Park at Haddon. Yes, that cold snap in the weather is here, we are not far from Ballarat. A very cold night of -4° and we woke to one of the biggest frosts we have seen.

If you look closely you can see the ice beginning to crack on the water. I am glad that Chris dragged me out of bed to see it.

Gotta feel sorry for the spiders, their webs all frozen.

Well thats it up to now, we are still here at Haddon, tomorrow I think we will go into Ballarat. We have already been in once, but if its not raining too much ,hope to have a look around the botanical gardens. And there are lots of amazing old buildings as well.

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