May 28th

Ok well we found our next camp in Powelltown. Provided by the community, behind the local hall. And sawmill. A good level site, where the grass still had due on it at 4pm !! ,Yes very cold here, but the snow isn’t, due for a few weeks yet, so the locals say.

Just down the road is the one stop, P O/ store / pub. We met up with another couple ,travelling and also staying the night here, and decided a meal at the pub was the go.

The outdoor area was nice, but we opted to sit inside. Chatting away with the owners. We were told that we were lucky to arrive on a Wednesday as they have an extreme sports night in the hall at 7 pm, would be worth going to. We had a nice dinner and walked up the hill to the hall.

The hall is over a hundred years old, we opened the heavy wooden door and peeped in. There were about 6 not so young locals playing carpet bowls-their rules.” Come on in and have a game”. , we were welcomed with open arms. So the 4 of us joined in , I beat Chris and we had home cooked scones and tea to finish off, what was a fun night. As we said goodnight, I thanked the publican, who had also turned up to the big event, for our nice meal earlier.

The next morning we left around nine, I had realized during the night that we had not paid for our meals, the wife/cook, had sat with us for a chat at the table before taking our order, so we hadn’t ordered and paid at the bar. the one stop was not open, by 9am, so I rang later and paid. All good, but the funny thing was I had thanked the publican for our meal,[that we hadn’t paid for] as we were leaving the hall the previous night. Obviously he couldn’t remember, but he was happy I rang up.

Trying to avoid the Melbourne traffic, we drove around the outskirts, and headed to the westside of the city. We did take a bit of a detour into Croydon and passed the College that Chris and his brother John attended. All changed since he was there. That night we found a nice bush camp on the Leigh river, just out of Inverleigh.

We will probable move on tomorrow, but this has been a nice spot to listen to the birds, go for walks and gather wood for the fire each night. Only a few others camping further down the track but in all, very peaceful. Oh and did I mention take photos and catch up with the blog. Not sure where to next….