May 24th

The Gippsland area of Victoria is so beautiful. We have done lots of walking and stopped in a number of parks. As you can see by the photos we are really enjoying this area.

We had left the van at the football oval in Korumburra, to do a day trip down to the Mornington Peninsula. First was a stop at Loch, and a walk across the suspension bridge. love the work that goes into these structures.

Then out to the coast and Yaringa boat harbour. Then around to Stony Point where you can catch a ferry over to both French and Phillip Islands.

There is so much to see down this way. The walks are well maintained, with lots of steps that take you out to the rocky coastline. Next stop and lots of walking, was at Cape Schanck, where there is a lighthouse, and is a great place for photography

Steps and more steps !! How beautiful is Diamond Bay, below.

You can’t drive right out to the point now, only walk or catch a shuttle bus for the last 3 klms. Which we did. So worth doing. The remains of Fort Nepean and Fort Pearce, both of which were used in WW1 and WW11. are at the very end of the peninsular.

Amazing feeling looking out of the fort lookouts.

The remains of the quarters and underground tunnels are nestled into the hillside at the end of the peninsula.

Then there was the stairs to get back up to catch the bus. 120 of them!!.

Halfway up I stopped to look back on where we had been, take a couple of photos and think how tough it was on those that kept watch over our country, to keep it safe.

We caught the shuttle bus back to where there is a monument to Harold Holt, Prime Minister of Australia, who was believed to have drowned at Cheviot beach. What a day, we didn’t get back to the van till almost dark.

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