May 15th

Heading out of the real cold area, and getting further East, near Nowa Nowa , we took time to take a look at the heritage trestle rail bridge. Amazing what they could achieve before the machinery of today

Most nights we manage to find a bush camp that we can have a fire.

Most days we pull up for a cuppa or lunch in parks provided by small towns. Usually they have something of interest to look at, I love olden day timber things. Check this water wheel out.

The Information centre at Orbost is a nice old bush house that was moved into town and rebuilt.

While staying a couple of nights at Genoa, we unhooked the van and took a day trip North, up to Bega . we voted in the Government Elections up there and on the way back called into Tathra and Edens Two Fold Bay. The weather wasn’t all that good, so only a couple of photos.

Taking advantage of a beautiful day as we moved on again, and being on the coast for a few days, we went out to Cape Conran . One of my favourite leisure things to do is to beach comb, rock hop ,(no so much of the hopping these days, haha) and chase crabs !

Next was a stop of at Salmon Rocks

That evening we made camp on the banks of the Snowy River. Chris tried his luck at fishing again , no luck.!

Next day was spent at Lakes Entrance , a beautiful area and a beautiful day . We also had fish and chips, for lunch, in the park with one of Chris’s relatives and her children. I also had a bit of fun with the pelicans. I find them fascinating to photograph.

We camped on a reserve not far out of Sale Vic. that night. A good spot with it’s own warf ! The sunset from the van window that night, and the moon rising over the hill behind us was magic.

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