MAY 18th

just realized I had put wrong date on this post. It is May not April.

Once we got into Sale, we stayed for a couple of nights at the showground. Was interesting to see and walk across the opening bridge, just out of Sale.

The showground was also a safe place to leave the van and go for day trips. Ok , now for Wilsons promontory . A bloody freezing place to visit, in winter, with gale force winds blowing straight across Bass Straight. We walked the walks , got wet, and ached with pain from the cold. We’ve been here a couple of times now, it hasn’t changed, I don’t need to visit it again.

On the way back, we came across these emus feeding on the edge of the road.

The wind was really shaking this fellows tail feathers. I was able to walk right up to it and ask for a close up pic. Next it turned and posed for me. Im sure it must be used to having it’s photo taken . Love the pose. !

There is also a wind farm up in the hills, not very interesting, but we drove up for a look.

After such a cold miserable day to be out and about, finding this sculpture of a bunch of dogs carved into an old tree trunk, made it all worthwhile. How cleaver is the person who did this.

May 15th

Heading out of the real cold area, and getting further East, near Nowa Nowa , we took time to take a look at the heritage trestle rail bridge. Amazing what they could achieve before the machinery of today

Most nights we manage to find a bush camp that we can have a fire.

Most days we pull up for a cuppa or lunch in parks provided by small towns. Usually they have something of interest to look at, I love olden day timber things. Check this water wheel out.

The Information centre at Orbost is a nice old bush house that was moved into town and rebuilt.

While staying a couple of nights at Genoa, we unhooked the van and took a day trip North, up to Bega . we voted in the Government Elections up there and on the way back called into Tathra and Edens Two Fold Bay. The weather wasn’t all that good, so only a couple of photos.

Taking advantage of a beautiful day as we moved on again, and being on the coast for a few days, we went out to Cape Conran . One of my favourite leisure things to do is to beach comb, rock hop ,(no so much of the hopping these days, haha) and chase crabs !

Next was a stop of at Salmon Rocks

That evening we made camp on the banks of the Snowy River. Chris tried his luck at fishing again , no luck.!

Next day was spent at Lakes Entrance , a beautiful area and a beautiful day . We also had fish and chips, for lunch, in the park with one of Chris’s relatives and her children. I also had a bit of fun with the pelicans. I find them fascinating to photograph.

We camped on a reserve not far out of Sale Vic. that night. A good spot with it’s own warf ! The sunset from the van window that night, and the moon rising over the hill behind us was magic.