May 13th 2022

Once we left Nug Nug reserve we headed back through beautiful Bright, and the winding mountain road to Germantown .

We had a short time at Sullivans lookout . Then on to Bogong Dam, lovely reflections over the water, but a bit scary walking in the tunnel, through the wall.

I was amazed there was no water seeping in through the walls. I even stopped to take a photo out through a cavity, before quickly turning around and coming up to the surface again.

From there it was more hard going for the Triton. Lucky we still have good weather, although rather chilly at night. Wouldn’t like to be on these roads in the wet. The road into Falls Creek was closed due to snow the days before, and had only opened the day before we travelled it. We were starting to see the remains of the snow as we got closer to the top.

Only one very quick stop in Falls Creek, been there done that, we seen snow, now lets get out of there.

As we made our way down it was just starting to rain.

Not sure if these trees on the hills are dead or just frozen stiff !?

That night we camped on the river bank not far from Omeo at a place called Anglers Rest. The group that we met there may as well have rested as they were not catching any fish. A nice camp fire that night, and a pleasant area to wander down by the river the next morning.

Even this far down the river there was still some snow from the previous fall.

The steep decent from the mountains wasn’t as bad as we had been told. And then we were in Omeo. A great little town of nice parks and quirky little wooden figures on push bikes. Or whatever. A bit of fun . I’ll finish this post with some but not all of the pics , don’t want to bore you. Enjoy.

love this family one 😊

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