MAY 8th 2022

Time for a bit of sightseeing, At the base of Mt Buffalo is the town of Porepunkah on the Ovens river. We stopped for a short time to walk in the park.

From there we started the drive up Mt Buffalo. We thought we were going to be able to get to the top, but it was useless, before long we were up in the clouds and couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of us. So when we found somewhere safe to turn around we did. On the way down we stopped to do the walk up to Lady Bath Falls.

The climb up was tough going to say the least, but stopping to take photos along the way, made it bearable, and worthwhile, the plant life, trickling waterways, and mossy rocks were lovely to stop and take a look at, as well as a few deep breaths.

Finally we made it to the top. How awesome are these falls.

On the way back down I came across the end of a log shaped like a heart, so this pic is for you my family and friends, love to all.

Next stop on our day out was Bright, another beautiful place to visit.

Next was Mt Beauty, our last stop for the day before heading back to camp.

That’s it for now. I hope all you mums out there had a nice Mothers Day, I spent a relaxing day at our camp, had phone calls from family and chatted with other campers. Chris also had a relaxing Mothers Day,! haha. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Night night .

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