MAY 8th 2022

We had a nice couple of days staying at my cousins. The view from the back of their place is beautiful. It was a warm, sunny day last friday when we left. First stop was Wangaratta, for a few essentials. Driving along the scenery is lovely down this way, in autumn.

With most of the day gone, and the prediction of rain we pulled up at Pioneer Bridges river camp, not that far from Everton. Having some daylight left we decided to do some fishing. No fish for dinner!

Only had a little rain overnight, we packed up early and drove to Beechworth, which is one of our special places to stop. It was raining when we got there, so a good opportunity to promote Jodies Inspiration.

Lovely parks and quirky shops, an enjoyable town to spend some time in.

After a stop at the bakery and a pie for lunch, Chris was just a big kid in the lolly shop. Oh Yum.! Travelled down through Stanley and Myrtleford, to make camp in Nug Nug reserve. A big area, not too many other campers, so quiet, also have power for the next few days, as it’s getting rather chilly around these parts. I think it’s called glamping when you have aircon, and an electric blanket on the bed.!

A beautiful park with lots of trees and bird life, especially parrots.

The next few days we will use this as a base to have a look around the mountains, before it snows.

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