April 30th 2022

Well it’s now a month since we left home. We’ve kept off the main roads where possible, calling into small towns and camping on riverbanks mostly. Just how we like it. After Cootamundra we visited Chris’s Goddaughter and family in Wagga Wagga. Then a stop in Yerong Creek where they have painted the water tower, which has caused a lot of controversy amongst the locals, most don’t like it. Each to their own, I say.

Next was Henty, which is Chris’s hometown. We have been camped at the Showground for the last week. a good level area, that is well maintained, although basic amenities.

We arrived in time for Anzac day. It was lovely to meet with friends there, and join in the march through town, before a service in the park.

What a week it’s been, visiting friends, having a beautiful meal at Kaye and Kevin’s home, who Chris used to drive for, back in the 70s. Kevin and Chris had a ball talking about the old days. We drove around the town and farms and met up with Chris and his brothers school friends.

The roly poly grass is everywhere, piled high against fences and roadsides

This plaque marks the place where the bushranger Mad Dog Morgan shot a police officer in the 1800s, not far from Henty. We were also able to visit the farm where they grew up, called ‘Clearview’, they were like kids again, peeping into the old shearing shed, and big brother showing little brother, where this or that used to be.

There is still some of their old machinery laying around the paddocks. I love taking photos of yesteryear, so was happy to have a wander around the old farm.

Their old home is rented out now, nobody was home when we went there so Chris and Scott took the opportunity to have a photo sitting on the front porch. And if your wondering, Yes Chris had asked for permission to go see the place. It’s the first time he has been on the farm since leaving there in 1977.

Yesterday we went down into a cellar, under the IGA shop in town . So much stuff stored under there, just waiting to be displayed in a museum building, it has been collected over many years, the owner has now passed on, and hopefully the family will get a museum open so we can come and see it another time.

Friday night was fish and chip night at the club, so a must to go with friends, lots of laughs and reminiscing. Today was a do nothing sort of day, I did washing and cooked, while Chris washed the car and van, so we’re all set to leave here in the morning . Till next time………