2022 10th April

We enjoyed our time with the family in Sawtell. Went to the Park Beach Bowling Club for dinner last thursday, I had the best King prawns and cashews . yummo! Peter McRae also met us there, good to see him, and it was a nice way to catch up and have a chat.

Before leaving Sawtell it was time for Easter eggs and a family photo.

Eggs were a bit squashed, from their travels in the van, but that didn’t take the smile off Creeds face. On friday it was time to say farewell, and get on the road again . All the times that we’ve traveled up and down the coast and say we must go out and have a look at that place or beach, some time, well friday was the day for that. We Zigzagged all the way to Kempsey, stopping for cuppas and lunch at the headland areas and doing some of the walks.

The weather has been showery since we left home, but not enough to worry us. The ground is very soggy everywhere. We have been given a slightly drier area at the farm to park the van at friends, Gail and Noels, for the next few days. Life is good….

The liquid amber trees are starting to show their autumn colours, and the gardens are looking good, so many beautiful plants and flowers.

We have had a lovely weekend here, meeting other couples at the bowls club for dinner on friday night, and again for a get together BBQ and laughs tonight.

Tomorrow we will be on our way again….