2022 on the road again

5th April 2022.

Hello followers, the day finally came when we hooked up the van and started travelling again. The last couple of years have kept us at home due to covid and border closures. All I will say is, it was really annoying not to be able to get in the van and wander around our beautiful country. So unAustralian. ! So on tuesday we set out, first stop was Sawtell, to visit Bec, Steve and kids.

the Kids have new neighbours
The kids have new neighbours

They are all working and doing school, so Chris and I had a lazy day with a bit of sightseeing.

Not raining but, but overcast, so a walk out the Coffs harbour jetty was in order.

The sun tried to shine through as we looked across to Coffs.
Looking South and the weather doesn’t look good,they say we are in for rain, maybe right.

A lot of work is being done around the foreshore, in fact there is a lot of work and traffic everywhere., even Casino has been unbearably busy the last couple of weeks since the big flood, that wiped out Lismore and surrounding areas.

Finally I’m getting the hang of how to write and add some photos on our travel blog, it’s been tooo long. hope you enjoy following us around, now that Chris HAS retired!! When you see the link, on facebook, hopefully it will take you to our blog, then if you log in with your email, you should receive any updates.

Be patient as I am in retraining. And may be out of service at times.

Leaving here tomorrow, heading for Kempsey. Take care folks.