April 23rd 2022

I could of stayed longer in Sussex Inlet, maybe to go fishing or just enjoy its serenity.

But we’re on a bit of a schedule at the moment, so we left Sussex early morning . stopping for half hour or so at the HMAS Albatross at South Nowra and watched the helicopters in training . Dad often pulled up there on our sunday drives, when I was a kid, to watch the aircraft landing. Used to be very busy in those days, before Creswell at Jervis Bay was opened

Off again, heading West to Nerriga, stopping at lookouts and waterfalls along the way. The highland country is now showing its autumn colors, so was a pretty drive. Also nice to see the southern wildflowers coming out, so different to the WA ones. From Jerrawangala lookout we could see back over the coast where we had been for the last week.

We did the bush walk out to the beautiful Tianjara Falls.

Stopped in Braidwood for lunch, bypassed Canberra and got to Jugiong about 4.30. Already the the camp on the river had heaps of vans there. It is a large, well maintained area around the town oval, on the Murrumbidgee river. One of our favourite places to stop and well worth a donation.

Being the last day of the school holidays the pub across the road was packed the next day, we went for a walk and thought we would have lunch there but had to settle for an ice cream instead. I also took some photos, we like this place, and enjoyed staying for two nights.

From Jugiong , we travelled on back roads through to Cootamundra, stopping to visit friends of Chris’s. had lunch with them and i was very amused that their little dog has to have his own cup of coffee !!

It was a good catch up for Chris ,before we left to find a camp near Wagga.

We are now at Wantabadgery on the Murrumbidgee river.

Night Night peeps……

April 22nd 2022

Hope you all had a good Easter. Our Good friday was spent going further south, whilst the majority of hoĺiday makers were heading North, bumper to bumper out of Sydney.

We weaved our way to west of the city to the cemetery where Chris’s late brother is buried, also met with his family there. After having a cuppa with them we got on the road again and headed further south. Thankfully most of the city trafic was heading North. So many, just moving, while we had a good run, arriving in Bomaderry about 4pm. What a lovely week we had in the Shoalhaven area. Stopping for 5 days with my childhood friend and her husband, in our home town. We were treated like guests on a cruise ship ! So appreciative of the effort they both put into giving us a great time. We went sightseeing, visited friends and ate out, Noelene and I also managed, some quick retail therapy. We are still kids at heart so took time for a fun photo with the Easter bunny.

I was also able to catch up on the washing, and lots of talking, and talking. The area has changed so much since we were kids. I think we had the best time, as a child of the 50s, way too populated now. The bush areas are now tar and cement, and of course a lot of the well known identities have passed on, but one 90 year old, that we went to visit, is still going, as strong as a 60yr old. So wonderful to see, homemade cooking for morning tea and reminiscing of times gone by.

Easter sunday we went to the club for lunch with my cousin and husband, then visited the Nowra cemeteries, where there are 5 generations of my family at rest. Talked into staying an extra day, on tuesday we had hoped that the holiday makers lad left the district, we went for a drive out to Huskisson and surrounds, we had a nice lunch there, but the place was still buzzing with tourists.

Huskisson is no longer just a fishing village, it is a real tourist hub, and the grounds around the waterfront are beautiful.

Before we knew it our stay had come to an end. so with a final hug and few tears,we said our goodbyes for now,

We left Bomaderry and headed out to Sussex Inlet, to stay overnight with another long time friend. Sussex is beautiful, with lots of waterways, a great place to retire and go fishing . I, just had to settle for a walk down to the river as the sun was setting. So peaceful.

That’s it for tonight, hopefully i’ll get more done tomorrow. bit hard to concentrate,while watching footy. Till then…..

April 12th 2022

After our stay at Ellenborough falls , we did a big day of travelling around the Manning area inland from Taree. We only stopped for short breaks during that day, so no photos. They have had a lot of rain recently, so plenty of lush paddocks and healthy cattle around. It was also good to be away from main roads, although not the best to be towing a van on. Once back on the highway again we arrived in Bulahdelah. Stayed in an off road camp spot beside the Golf club. While there we were able to go out and visit another friend, who lives just out of town. Also had a meal at the club the following day . A nice catch up and rest before heading out early the following day……

2022 11th April

Well we’re a few more klms down the road and just west of Port Macquarie. We had nice coffee break in Port Macquarie and met up with another of my friends from Bomaderry school days. No rain today and quite warm, especially when we pulled up at this stop for the night. Had to sit in the shade as it was too hot in the afternoon sun. Not a bad area and only a couple of other campers here, plenty of birds and very quiet.

Long Flat reserve Ellenborough nSW

We went for a walk down to the river, only about 50 metres away, where the Hastings is still flowing quite fast and very muddy. Regardless of how hot I felt there was no way I was going to venture in. The Ellenborough river also flows in at this point.

Ellenborough River
Hastings River

By 6.30 we have had dinner and we’re in bed. No TV reception, so I will add a couple of photos on here and start on a book to read. Ahhh, the life of the retired, or just plain tired !

2022 10th April

We enjoyed our time with the family in Sawtell. Went to the Park Beach Bowling Club for dinner last thursday, I had the best King prawns and cashews . yummo! Peter McRae also met us there, good to see him, and it was a nice way to catch up and have a chat.

Before leaving Sawtell it was time for Easter eggs and a family photo.

Eggs were a bit squashed, from their travels in the van, but that didn’t take the smile off Creeds face. On friday it was time to say farewell, and get on the road again . All the times that we’ve traveled up and down the coast and say we must go out and have a look at that place or beach, some time, well friday was the day for that. We Zigzagged all the way to Kempsey, stopping for cuppas and lunch at the headland areas and doing some of the walks.

The weather has been showery since we left home, but not enough to worry us. The ground is very soggy everywhere. We have been given a slightly drier area at the farm to park the van at friends, Gail and Noels, for the next few days. Life is good….

The liquid amber trees are starting to show their autumn colours, and the gardens are looking good, so many beautiful plants and flowers.

We have had a lovely weekend here, meeting other couples at the bowls club for dinner on friday night, and again for a get together BBQ and laughs tonight.

Tomorrow we will be on our way again….

2022 on the road again

5th April 2022.

Hello followers, the day finally came when we hooked up the van and started travelling again. The last couple of years have kept us at home due to covid and border closures. All I will say is, it was really annoying not to be able to get in the van and wander around our beautiful country. So unAustralian. ! So on tuesday we set out, first stop was Sawtell, to visit Bec, Steve and kids.

the Kids have new neighbours
The kids have new neighbours

They are all working and doing school, so Chris and I had a lazy day with a bit of sightseeing.

Not raining but, but overcast, so a walk out the Coffs harbour jetty was in order.

The sun tried to shine through as we looked across to Coffs.
Looking South and the weather doesn’t look good,they say we are in for rain, maybe right.

A lot of work is being done around the foreshore, in fact there is a lot of work and traffic everywhere., even Casino has been unbearably busy the last couple of weeks since the big flood, that wiped out Lismore and surrounding areas.

Finally I’m getting the hang of how to write and add some photos on our travel blog, it’s been tooo long. hope you enjoy following us around, now that Chris HAS retired!! When you see the link, on facebook, hopefully it will take you to our blog, then if you log in with your email, you should receive any updates.

Be patient as I am in retraining. And may be out of service at times.

Leaving here tomorrow, heading for Kempsey. Take care folks.