Back to the blog!

It’s just taken me about an hour to log back into this account. Been so long since I added any photos, need to get them into some sort of order. Haven’t even sorted our trip of New Zealand, from last October yet. Will get around to them next. Currently we are staying at Springsure in Qld, where Chris is back driving road trains for Kalari. He started work here at end of January, but I didn’t come up till after his break in June. Too much garden to look after at Casino. He brought the caravan home and had a couple of weeks off, before we got our border passes, a must have due to Covid 19, and headed back north.,taking our time and having a couple of nights at free camps on the way.

travelling along the  Warrego Hwy, nice to see wide open plains again
It was good to be out travelling again, just love the wide open plains. This photo was taken somewhere along the Warrego Hwy.

We stayed at a nice little park in Warra the first night.

The beautiful old Warra Pub

Morning tea the next day was at another small town . we got talking to a chap and he asked me to look after his dog while he went to get his coffee. good dogie !

Some more site seeing in the Isla National Park, had a wander around and some photos of Isla Gorge. Nice views although it was a bit overcast for photos.

We stoped in Moura, and took a photo of the towns painted water tower. Next it was on to Springsure caravan park, a quick set up, and chris was able to have a well earned beer.

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