More across Queensland

Before leaving we did a drive around the town. Nicely done up to encourage the tourists.

These next couple of photos I took with you in mind Yolande.

From town we headed out to the woolsour. For someone who has never had much to do with sheep, I found it so interesting and a great look back in time. Glad Chris found it and we took the time to do the tour. The shearing sheds have all been restored and the machinery is all working. An inspiration by some townsfolk that has turned out well.

The sheep and one extra friendly billy goat just wandering around and lapping up all the attention from the visitors.

On to Augathella to stay the night. Not much here but we do like this little town with it’s claim to fame of being the town that the movie *Smiley * was about.

If you are wondering what this is its a meat ant. .. ok.

After a quite night, our first stop next day was in Mitchell. Had a very nice relaxing spa in the hot artesian water . It was 40c.

Its been looking like rain, so we pulled into a camp spot at Miles, and went to bed with the chooks.

Next morning there was evidence of the overnight rain, which was music to our ears on the van roof. Morning tea at Cecil Pains then on to see the artwork in Millmerran.

Now for our last night before home. It was raining and cold for our liking. So a quick walk around the park in Leyburn and an early night.

Was it cold this morning !! Only 2c . And frost all around. Car windscrean covered in ice. Brrrr. Thats it folks, only a few hours to Casino, and the comforts of home. But hey I would not change this lifestyle and experience for the world . For those that have followed us in the last 18mths, thank you for your support. Good health and remember to *LIVE Life Large.*