Queensland small towns

After leaving Mary Kathleen, our first stop was at Chinamans Dam.

Back into Cloncurry, who should we run into but Stacky on his way to Townsville. So pulled up in a side street for a cuppa. Not getting far, but thats ok.

On our way again, next it was up to get a pic of the painted water tower and a view over Cloncurry township.

Finally we made it into Winton, and settled on a camp spot beside the long water hole. Lots of birds there, I especially like watching the little ones in nests, squarking for their dinner.

In the last photo you can see a bug in the mother’s beak, that she is about to feed the squarking chick. Wish it was a clearer photo. A nice relaxing place to spend the night and watch the sun set. by

The next day was through a few more small towns, then a lunch stop in Longreach. Seems strange to see clouds in the sky after clear blue skyes for months.

A pink truck in a park somewhere caught my eye while topping up our water tanks.

Next we went out to see 12 mile dam. Very interesting how they placed rocks to build spillways and hold water. Must of been so back breaking, manually placing the rocks.! As we travel around, it truly is amazing seeing the work that was done in the early days.

Back to nature …looked up to see these little ones in their mud nest, and a neat one at that.

If your not sure what this is …it’s a big yellowbelly fish at Isisford ..hmmm.

Next we made it into Blackall, and set up camp on the Barcoo river, not much water, but a lot of other travellers.