Over the border and into Queensland, and yes we’re still seeing lots of cattle on the roads. We have been in touch with a chap that worked with Chris in Port Hedland and is now working out of Mt Isa. Stacky talked us into going out and staying in the transport yard where he’s working. We had a lovely catch up and a barbecue that night with some of the other truck drivers. Not sure what time the boys finished up, but when I left to go to bed, they were all telling tall stories around the gidgee camp fire.

While staying in Mt Isa we did some sightseeing. Went out to Moondarra lake. There are lots of picnic areas and plenty of beautification being done. I especially liked Peacock park, with all its peacocks wandering around. I had fun with the camera ther, just love their colours .

After a relaxing time in the parks we went out to find the old uranium mine. Took the 4 wheel drive track up the side of the cliffs. Started out not too bad, but then started to become scary. I think we took the wrong road !! After more climbing and the track almost diminishing, we were sure that we had taken the wrong road. I tried to settle my nerves by taking photos of the spectacular views. Didn’t help much, especially when Chris had to do a 10 point turn, when the rough terrain got the better of the Triton.

Phew !! Was I glad when we finally got back down and found another road in. What a great sight to see the blue water and rock work around the old open cut mine.

After our stay in Mt Isa, the next day we travelled out to Mary Kathleen. The old town site, built to accommodate the miners and their families, when the mine was open. Apparently there were over a thousand living there back in the 50s. It is now privately owned, but opened to the public for free camping and fossicking.

There is a map showing what buildings were where, including shops, churches, school and other facilities. All the buildings have been removed, leaving just the cement slabs, perfect for parking a caravan on. We intended to stay a day and ended up staying 5 I think . Once Chris got his metal detector out and started finding old coins and little treasures, he didn’t want to leave.

I was happy just to wander around seeing the remains of swimming pools, gardens and pathways. The tennis courts are still visible and some town centre rock walls. The creek is dry and is edged by white gums.

Of an evening the cattle come wandering around. We had camp fires each night and I also liked watching the birds come and go from their nest in trees nearby.

Corella Dam is another area not far down the road, we had a day visit, but decided that Mary Kathleen was a the best place we have free camped in some time.

Guess Corella Dam area would have more birds as there is water running through the park, also a very pretty area.

We really must get a move on if we are going to be home by the end of the month.

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