Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community

Whilst staying at Barnhill Station we were invited by Chris’s 2nd cousin to go out to Bidyadanga Community. It is private property, and Carly is a child protection officer there, working out of the police station. There is between 500 and 1,000 Aboriginals living in the community. There is 5 different languages spoken,and it is the biggest community in W A. Carly lives on site, with her husband and 3 children.

We followed Carly and the Boys, for a drive through the town and out to the beach, it was low tide, so all was good till we both started getting bogged in the soft sand and had to let the tyres down.

On the way back we were taken through the scrub along the mangrove creek. Glad we didn’t have to get out of the car here, as it is prime Crock country.!!

It was a good afternoon, and almost sundown by the time we left.

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