Cape Keraudren

After our couple of days inland we headed back out to the coast. Finally we are going in a Northerly direction. Next stop was Cape Keraudren.We had driven up here from Port on one of Chris’s days off last year, and thought it was a good place to come back to on our way home. As it is peak tourist season over here at the moment, we drove around the camping areas before deciding to set up down on the creek . Some areas on the cliff tops, the vans were packed in like sardines. A nice view of the ocean, but not an easy walk down to the water.

Down on the creek ,we had easy access to the beach and only a few others camped there. The water in the creek was a beautiful turquoise and ok to cool off in.

I think we stayed here for 4 days, becoming real beach bums, did lots of walking and collecting shells, even Chris would come back from a walk with a heap of little treasures. If the van wasn’t overloaded before, Im sure it is now, after our stay here.

From this area of the Cape you can see the sunrise as well as set over the water.

After our time here, an early morning start, got us back out to the highway and heading North again, we called into the Sandfire roadhouse for fuel. Next stop will be at Barnhill Station, a large property that has 80 or more kms of coast line.