Marble Bar W A

Our first housesit turned out to be a great, we caught up with friends, went for beach walks each evening and to top it off Tod cooked us a lovely farewell breakfast, with Darryl and Trish (also ex Kalari work mates) on their return from holiday. We ended up leaving town about lunchtime and made our first nights camp on the bank of the Shaw River, on our way to Marble Bar.

So much bird life enjoying the last of the water in the river. Bush flowers are also starting to come out in this area as well.

A nice quiet spot to enjoy the evening .

The next morning we headed out the Marble Bar road. Chris was interested in seeing the new cutting through Koogan Gorge, that has now been finished since we were here last year. It’s a shame I think, as the Pilbara’s landscape is unique and so naturally beautiful it’s a shame to go carving it up. Guess thats progress 🤔

To make up for this last photo of the cutting here is some of the landscape nearby .

The next camp was on a property not far from Marble Bar. A dry creek, but there was a dam and windmill, and a nice view out the window of the hills nearby. Also some sandstone cliffs and wildflowers.

Next day we went to Chinamans pool in Marble Bar. It’s a great place for photos and to do some rock climbing. Not a lot of water there this season, maybe next year we will see it in the wet season, the rocks would be spectacular after rain.

Just had to stop and take some photos of my favourite bush flowers, the Stuart peas. Just love them.

We then spent another night with the birds on the Shaw River.