House Sitting Port Hedland

After catching up with friends at Point Sampson a week or so ago .It was decided that we would House sit while they holiday in Bali. We arrived in time, on the saturday afternoon, to meet the 2 cats and the no so friendly dog, before they flew out. Ruby the dog and I soon came to an understanding, that she would be very hungry, if we didn’t become friends! She must of taken me at my word, as we thought we would sleep in our van, our bed already made up, ect. But no After 3 attempts at putting her to bed, lights off, shutting door and going back to van … each time she started barking and crying , just like a kid. Finally I made the spare room bed up for us, and put her dog bed at the door. As you can see by the next morning she was quite at home on the bed with Chris. And like a child I cannot even go to the toilet without Ruby and the cats escorting me. Guess that’s her meaning of friends !!??

Its been good to have some time back here, as we’ve been able to meet up with friends that worked with Chris at Kalari, and Chris has been able to get more things set up on the new ute ready for the trip home.

I was able to watch the tennis on a big screen, yes, love that, and even Chris sat up watching till the early hours of the morning .

Each afternoon we go for a nice long beach walk, collect shells and watch the sun go down . Its a beautiful time of the day and year here.

The bush is full of flowers now , the only shame is the sand is so coarse and brown. Apart from sun sets the Moon is coming up to full moon tonight, so hopefully I will get some good photos of the Stairway to the moon . The viewing platform is at the end of the street, so I don’t have to walk far.

By the way I don’t edit or add filters to any of my photos I post, In my opinion if they need to be edited then they are not good enough, I love the pastels in the evening photos.

That’s it for now the blog is up to date, bring on the full moon tonight. x

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