Wooramel Station W A

We are just taking each day as it comes, which is nice. Not getting very far, just zig zaging from one camp to another, only going to the coastal areas on day trips. So many caravaners at the moment.

We have’nt stayed at a station, so called into Wooramel for a one night stay. That night we were entertained by a bush poet, with damper around the camp fire to follow. A nice night.

The next day we decided to stay another 3 nights . Just loved spending sunrises and sunsets in the artesian spars, there are 4 of them, which are empied and cleaned daily. Water is a constant 34 degrees. Ahhhh.

Across the way from the camp site there is the farm tip, of great interest to all the guys. Lots of interesting things, discarded over the years.

I was more interested in the bird life and taking photos of the magnificent white gums that line the river banks, which make for lovely camping spots on the property. Also nice picnic areas.

While there we purchased a mud map of the station, $10, and went for the day 4 wheel driving. The place is huge, and backs onto the Indian Ocean.

Somewhere we came across the old shearing sheds and quarters. Had fun with the camera here. Chris was more interested in the machinery, still left there.

We took the river crossing, on the way back to our camp. They call it the upside down river, dry on top and a never ending supply of water underneath. The showers are all a constant 34 degrees and the amenities are in big round tanks, quite quaint really.

On the Wednesday evenings the owners do a big cook up in the camp ovens, Chilli chicken con carne, rice greens and damper, was on the menu the night we were there. Our entertainment for the night was country singer songwriter Terry Bennetts, look him up, was he good.! We ended up buying his CDs.

The next morning it was time for one last spa and head out, We really enjoyed this place. The owners are doing a great job of setting it up, whilst keeping it as a natural bush camp . A lovely, friendly family, supplementing the hard life on the land. It only opened 5 yrs ago, and I think it has a great future. We wished them well.

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