Kalbarri National park W A

We arrived in Kalbarri, late afternoon, and I decided on the Anchorage caravan park,as it was overlooking the river and seemed the most casual out of all . There is no free camping in Kalbarri township, and no camping at all within the park area. So caravan park it has to be. Well we couldn’t be happier with, the site we were given, big site, end of the row, overlooking the Murchison River.

We were all set up in time to go for a sunset walk with the camera. Then it was happy hour in the camp where the campers were treated to some good old singalong tunes. Good time had by all.

Over the next two days we drove out to all places of interest on the coast, then walked, rock climbed, and of coarse took too many photos to show on here, don’t wan’t to bore you all with what I feel is the best part of travelling. So here is just a few to show how truly awesome Kalbarri is.

By the end of the first day and all that walking around the rocks my legs were singing that night, but so worth it.

The next day was filled up more of the same, then we had local fish and chips from the Jetty seafood shop, another top day.

That’s it for this post, and i’ll leave you with a view from one of nature’s best windows.

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