The Pinnacles and W A Coast

Chris has decided to try out his culinary skills, which is great, bacon and eggs or pancakes for breakfast is fine by me. Going further North today, around the Geraldton area, the showers are still persisting. Typical coastal weather, but we just have to have a look to see what has changed since we were here 10 years ago, and on a time limit.

The Pinnacles have been made more touristy, as have most places. They say there is over 10,000 of them, and we enjoyed a stroll around around the now set out walking tracks.

You can still wander off the track, but they ask you not to climb on them. Fair enough, but some overseas tourists just don’t adhere to most of the advice their told .

Separation Point was cold and windy, a couple of photos and we were out of there, Didn’t bother going around to the lighthouse.

Geraldton is very populated now, and a clean and tidy place, with a newly built jetty and lookout over the harbour.

A quick look around Port Gregory area and Northampton , where they have brightly painted sheep around the streets.

A couple of old early settlers buildings.just out of Port Gregory

Then a stop at the Pink Lake, just out of Kalbarri.

That’s it for now, off to listen to a bush poet, around the camp fire. Kalbarri National Park next post.

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