Homeward Bound

Well the day has come to leave Kalannie caravan park and start towards home, we have decided to go north from here and over the top as it’s too cold down south at the moment, besides that way we do the big loop as they say, this trip. We have been living in the van for 15 months , and I love it ,although I do miss the family, friends and my garden. We have made Kalannie our home for the last 7 months. We have been warmly welcomed by the residents, and hopefully we will get back again. For now its a sad farewell, especially to Chris’s employers Steve, Mary, and family.

We hooked up the caravan and weighed it and to our surprise we are not overloaded !.

We called in to say another farewell to Steve, sure going to miss this family, great people and fun to work for. We rang Chris, the son and met up with him on his way back from Perth, at Wandan Hills. The two Chris’s had a chat and final farewell in a park while I had a wander and took some photos.

Two Chris’s

On our way again, and we called into Toodyay. Think it was a late lunch stop, but turned out to be an amazing hour in the renowned Christmas Shop. Bitter sweet experience for me, just so happy we took the time.

So much, so expensive, and I was like a kid in a lolly shop! Chris finally had seen enough, and I later found him waiting patiently outside.

Then it was time to find a camp spot for the night . Pulled up beside Ninan lake just as the sun was setting, I lost the game of scrabble this night, but with this awesome sunset who cares.

View out caravan window

Next morning we went for a walk along the lake edge, its a salt lake so there is a lot of interesting driftwood laying around.

Monday was a public holiday in W A, so we also took it easy .Tuesday was a day for Chris to go shopping . He now has another metal detector after our day in Perth. Also had a catch up with an ex sister inlaw, which was nice. That night we found a nice bush camp on the banks of the river.

An 1800s church and cemetery, was all we found of interest here. Think its time we got serious about heading North as its getting rather cold around these parts and they are talking rain in the next few days.

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