Kalannie Wheatstock W A and Work

For the last few years, Kalannie has held a festival called Wheatstock, at the end of harvest. After having one of the best harvest seasons on record, everyone was ready to party at the 2019 festival. The town of 200 blew out to over 2,000, caravans and campers, came to enjoy the weekend of friendship, food and great live music. We all had a fun time singing and dancing the night away. Such community spirit. 

The firies put on a recovery breakfast on the sunday morning. By the time Chris and I walked over to the oval and joined the que, they were running out of bacon so it was an egg and sauce sandwich for us. Think they said they had gone through 25kgs of bacon !!                                                                                                   With the cropping finished , it’s time to fertilize the paddocks.  Now this could only be done in the West, crazy as it seems they use sand off the beaches . I went for a day with Chris in the truck, to see it for myself and get photos, of coarse.

It’s a 3 hr trip to Jurien Bay,  we left by 3am, and was just breaking daylight when we drove into the sandhills, and loaded sand by headlights. Once loaded it was back on the road again, and a we headed to a farm drop off way out East [I think ], these farms are just huge, not a house or person in site. The drivers get a pin drop on google for directions, and the farmer usually leaves a small bucket or stick where he wants them to unload. Bit like finding a needle in a haystack.

 Note the size and colour, of the drop off marker, took awhile to find it.

That done it was time to head back to the depot, and Chris can do it all again tomorrow.                                                                                                                             And to finish off, i’ve found another nice sunset photo. 

Kalannie and North Beach W A

Still in february, we had the weekend off before my birthday, which was nice . Had breakfast at the Cola Cafe in Toodyay, on the way out ,even got my age right , hehe. 

Friends from over east were heading to Perth and had booked into Ocean Beach Apartments.

So we had some time with them as well as a lovely brunch at the North Beach Deli. Meals there are some of the best we have experienced, we like to go there as our friend Ray Simpkin’s daughter own it, and nice to catch up with 2 of his girls as well.

North Beach is a beautiful area on the ocean, with lots of eateries overlooking the water, making the perfect venue to watch the sun go down. When I have nothing to do an Chris is on the road, I sometimes go for a drive and just take photos of lakes and birds, can always find beauty and peace through the lens of the camera.

That’s just about all the excitement we could muster up around here for February, and even the birds have gone to roost.

Kalannie Lifestyle WA

Time to catch up …… Well February arrived as did a lot of work and long hours for Chris. He usually has Sundays off, so we are still able to get out and explore around to area. I look forward to this as being in the van for up to 17 hrs a day by myself , is making me miss Family, friends home and garden more. Although this lifestyle has its pitfalls, and is not always as good as it’s cracked up to be, we want to see as much of this country while we are able. Working is a necessity, and the friends and experiences, we are having, is second to none ! So privileged and wouldn’t change it ! One thing I never get bored as we have good phone service, TV, even get to watch the midday movies, do too much cooking, i’m back into knitting, and of course photography.  The family Chris works for are great, we have become very friendly, and I often go to Perth will Mary, we enjoy the day and turn a business trip into a girls day out, having lunch and often dinner, as well as shopping. There is only 3 of us here in the park, most of the time, soon to be only 2, as after many issues with our neighbour, they have been given a move on notice!. [ Just doing my community service] Been very scared at times, but that’s another story, ha ha.         OK ,time to add some photos from our sunday drives    

These first few are taken around the little township of Green Hills. Most of these little towns have only the pubs still trading. One of our favourite is Watheroo Station.

The rail side of the station, is in a state of disrepair, but the front has been made into a lovely pub and diner, serving great meals.                                                             Another drive was to the Watheroo caves, a good view from on top of the rocks. No we didn’t climb down into the cave. 

A bit of fun with the camera, and still some wildflowers around,

and a windmill near Dalwallinu We weren’t back in Kalanni long, and I experienced my first storm on the road. And was it a good one, birds went crazy, and I headed for the amenities block, decided it would be safer there, than getting blown around in the van.!  

When it was over and I opened the door of the amenities, the water was up to the top of the step.

All good was with van. But the park was flooded.                                                                The view of the sunsets from the park, are quite spectacular most evenings. Time for a break and a cuppa, back soon with more of our time in the wheatbelt.