Here we are not long to Christmas and still the harvesting hasn’t finish. Only one day off for Chris in the last couple of weeks, that we could go for a drive. Grain storages are starting to fill up now. Also came across these vintage bikes somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.
We went for a drive out to Xantippie to see an old ute, lit up for Christmas. Well done to one of Chris’s work mates, who ownes the farm.
I also have put some lights in the trees beside our van and some decorations in the van. Just love Christmas, no matter where we are.
The old saying of it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, came to the fore, the last week before Christmas. Chris was carting out of the farm, that his boss’s daughter and husband’s family own, so he organized for me to go out to the farm and go for a ride in the header. What an experience, and I now know a bit about grain farming. A win win ! This family are just so friendly and good to us. Here are some photos of my time on the farm.
The young cattle dog was determined not to give up his seat in the tractor to me, so was eventually was escorted back to the ute, so I was able to get in and be taken out to the paddock that was being harvested.
Uncle Robin, was the header driver and showed me all the workings, so high tec these days.
The drivers just set all the computers in the cab, then it’s all remote control.
Drivers can then just sit back and watch the screens. The bin chasers follow the harvesters around, and without stopping the grain is transferred to the bin, and taken back to other storage bins.
Then the truck drivers, like Chris, fill their trailers from them, and take it into the co operative, storage areas in town.
This day was certainly one of my highlights this year.
Here is a couple of photos of the old tractors still being used.
This harvest season, has been one of the best ever, so the farmers are saying, in both price and quantity. Storage facilities are almost full to capacity.
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