Busy, busy, busy, is the best way to describe being in the wheat belt during harvest. The day for Chris starts around 5am and quite often he does not get home till 10.30 pm for dinner, lunch is eaten on the go.! And he has resorted to eating his ice blocks in bed, now that’s tired I reckon!! We are both getting tired now, and really looking forward to the end of our stint here. The experience has been good, and thankfully the family Chris works for are great. They treat their drivers like family and Mary likes to dish up a cooked meal for them at the end of day. I have been made feel very welcome and Mary and I have had girl time out for lunches and shopping . Animals are also family, 3 dogs, 2 cats, an avery full of birds, goldfish and a lamb that thinks it’s a dog !
Last weekend we had their Christmas party, Mary and I did all the cooking for it, so much food, and of cause drinks.
A big night in this little town, with most of the local farmers there.
It was a lovely night and Steve [boss], had lights all around the yard and depot.
I really enjoyed being part of it and was able to give Mary time with their guests, while I did most of the serving of food.
And boy did they eat, amazing how much they consumed.!
With only a week out from Christmas, I’ve done the big shop, pork, ham and made a couple of boiled fruit cakes and rocky road, towards our, very quite Christmas. We will miss our kids and family this year, but still I think we are both looking forward to a day of rest. We have been invited to have it with Mary ,Steve and family, but we feel they need family time, after such a big harvest this year, so thinking, just having a quiet one on our own, is the way to go. Sure will be different. Even the church up the road, doesn’t get used.
At the back of the park we have a flock of black cockatoos, hard to get photos of, as they are so black, and their eyes don’t show up.
Love seeing them in flight, as you can see the red feathers underneath, that don’t show when they are settled in the trees.
There are lots of other birds around enjoying the grain crops as well.
That’s it for now.