Gascoyne river WA to Dagga Hills WA

All going well so far, and loving it. Started seeing some flowers today

as well as camels, emus , and more birds, its the first time I have seen budgerigars in the wild, great spotting by Kathy ! Even the mere males are starting to look for wildflowers now, which is great because they are happy to pull up and let us girls wander and take photos. Lots of stops today.  Finding there are so many different flowers and colours on our walks. Also found many bird and ant nests. All interesting.

Finally we pulled into roadside acres in the Dagga Hills area. Lots of firewood and a beautiful sunset.

Mulga Downs to Gascoyne River.

Well there’s no sleeping in with this lot.!  Could hear voices around 6.30 am. Fire had been stoked and I  could see all 5 including Chris having their morning cuppa. Ok, so lets get this show on the road. Packed up and on the way by about 9. It didn’t take me long to realize why our friends have such a early start, because by 10 o’clock they are talking about pie shops and morning tea.. next it’s lunch  and then it’s time to do a few more kilometres before pulling up to make camp around 3pm. Found a great area on the Gascoyne River. So much birdlife here. With plenty of daylight left I was able to go for a  walk along the bank and take some photos. There wasn’t much firewood where we pulled up so Chris and Neil went off and found enough wood for the night . As there were no other campers around , they set the fire up in the middle of the track.! As you do.!  Another night of laughter and drinking.

Port Hedland to Mulga Downs

Our friends arrived at the Kalari depot around 10 am. We were all set ready to head out on our much anticipated wildflower trip with them.                         So let’s go, a bit of shopping in Hedland to start off, then headed south. All chatting on the C B radio, pointing out any points of interest. Not sure how far we travelled on the first day, but we pulled into a clearing off the road in the Mulga Downs area. We set up camp and Neil showed us how a campfire is made. A few drinks and dinner by the fire, was a great way to start out. A beautiful evening, so we sat out under the stars till bedtime.