Port Hedland WA

Arrived in Port Hedland. Did some shopping, Then back out to South Hedland. and Kalari’s yard, which will be home for awhile. We are quite well set up here, all undercover, with exta shower, toilet and room, if  Chris finds he can’t sleep in van during the day.  He’s doing well at the moment, snoring his head off after driving all night. Poor bugger.

They have a great aquatic center only 15 mins away, so go in when we can. The pool is a constant 30deg all year round and open till 7pm. During the day it is still very hot around 38 most days. So I tend to stay indoors, reading ,cooking and playing with photos on computer, keeps me amused while  Chris is away driving or asleep.  Those that have been to Port Hedland know it is hot ,dry and dusty. RED Dust.!! So doesn’t have a lot going for it during the day.

However the sunsets are beautiful and as night falls, the place turns into a  wonderland of lights.

We  went into the markets last Saturday night, and were surprised at the hundreds of people there.

I guess enjoying the cooler evening air, although I was still sweating. We had snapper and chips in the park, on the  waterfront, and a bit of fun with a crocodile  ( a stone one)Finally I’ve brought this blog up to date. Not sure whats ahead during our stay here, but no doubt I’ll be out with my camera soon, and have more to put on. If you have been following us on here feel free to add any comment, I welcome your thoughts.  Cheers till then. Merelyn.



Karijini to Yule River WA

We really didn’t want to leave Karijini so soon,  but there’s that little matter of income. Besides the gearbox in the car needs to be looked at, doesn’t sound good, so its off to Port Hedland and back to work for Chris. But not before one more swim in the Fern Pool.

We left the park after lunch. Heading North we didn’t go far before we pulled off the road and down onto the very dry, Yule River bed. 

          Naturally, it is cause sand, but the perfect spot to spend our last night before our stay at Port Hedland.

               Almost a full moon, quite warm and no mossies, so we ate dinner outside and listened to music.

Karijini WA, waterfalls and Dales Gorge

This place is one of the most beautiful areas we have been to. Put aside the heat, dryness and of coarse the flies, it is just magic if you like swimming and photography , thats me! Hard to know what photos to show, I took so many. Firstly here’s some of the main swimming area at Fortescue Falls. There is 300 odd stairs down the cliff face, which makes it easy to access. Coming back up is a different matter. 

On our second day there we decided to walk Dales Gorge. The walk along the top was not hard, lots more photos. then we got to the end, and what a view overlooking another swimming area, this one is called the circular pool. Spectacular!, only one catch, to get to it you have to go down the gorge cliff face again. No stairs down this one, although the formation of the rocks make it not too scary to clamber down. The pool below made it a must do! Already it was about 30 deg, and only half way on what turned out to be a 5hr hike.!

Chris waited patiently while I climbed carefully down behind him. At the bottom we had to walk further, to the end of the gorge, before having the best swim, stayed in for over an hour. The water coming out between the rocks isn’t such a huge amount, but it’s so warm, just like a warm shower, loved it.  

After our circular pool swim it was time to make our way back along the base of the gorge on the opposite side. a great walk, through streams and along interesting coloured rock faces, with plants growing out of them.   

    At the far end of the gorge, is another waterfall and the fern pool. just what we needed. Crystal clear water, surrounded by ferns, with lots of fish quite visible and happy to nibble on you when you get in the water. how special is this place and how fortunate are we to be able to enjoy it.

That was our few days in this paradise. Sure hope we can do it again one day.


Mt Robinson, Albert Tognolini, and Peace Gorge to Karijini WA

Got sidetracked a couple of times today. Went into Albert Tognolini Lookout for a look Just breathtaking  Then into Peace Gorge..Would be good at sunset. 

Then onto the Auski roadhouse, nestled in beautiful surrounds   Then checked into Karijini National Park, and went for our first swim at Fortescue Falls.

Lots of stairs down to water but well worth it. Not cold and so beautiful after all the red dust of the last week.Then a lovely sunset finished the day . Now looking forward to spending the next few days here.  


Wiluna to Mt Robinson WA

Was quite surprised that we had a quiet night in Wiluna, so we were up early to tackle the road through to Meekatharra. We had been told it was a 100klm of bad gravel, and advised not to take it. But rather than backtrack and add an extra 200 kms, we decided to chance it. Not a problem ! It was part gravel, part bitumen, and took us a little over an hour till we reached Meekatharra. Had a cooked breakfast in a nice park there.  From there it was up the Great Northern Hwy to Newman, an active mining town.   Still very hot and dry and temperatures of 38 plus each day.  We are now wanting to get to Karijini for a few days, before Chris starts work in Port Hedland next week. Longest day so far and almost nightfall, by the time we pulled up at a camp at Mt Robinson. Next day I took a couple of photos of our surrounds  and then we were off again.