Lake Bonney Sth Aust.

After having an extra half hour added to our day, due to another time zone, we found a peaceful spot to camp on the edge of Lake Bonney. An early night, no wind, only the sound of the water lapping. Ahhh…

Up by 6am ,  for some photos of the sunrise. Then on the road again, more stops for photos and a detour to see the Overland Corner Pub. It’s for sale if anyone is interested! Through Morgan. Next stop was Burra, one of our favorite inland towns Lots of old buildings, and remains from the mining days. Up through Spaulding, Crystal Brook, bye passed Port Pirie and on to Port Augusta. Thought we may have got as far a Kimba tonight, but ended up pulling into a parking area in Iron Knob about 4.30.

Silo art trail Vic.

On the road reasonably early this morning. A 9.30 start, fair to say we want to get away from the horrible weather, crossing over Victoria the last couple of days First stop was the silo art at Lascelles.                                                                                                 Then on to Patchewollock, had morning tea, a chat with other travelers and some photos of the park                                                                   as well as the last silo on the trail.                                                                              Have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the paintings.           Not far from the South Australia border, we pulled up and had lunch, whilst stopped we did a cook up of any fresh fruit and vegetables we had , rather than hand them in at the quarantine check. Off again through Loxton and towards Berri. This area, although dry have flourishing fruit trees, covering the paddocks. With the Murray and lots of large lakes, as well as more pleasant weather today, it’s been a good day.