Chris went for a walk, while I packed up, seriously a woman’s work is never done, ha ha. We left the camp by 10am. Again trying to take roads that we haven’t been on before. And again we ended up in someone’s house paddock.!! Ok, so we back tracked and found a nice spot on the river,just out of Towong to pull up and have some lunch, on the banks of the Murray. Heading towards Beechworth came across a steam train rally and country fair at Yackandandah . As we walked in the gate Chris met up with some blokes he knew, they had their gear on display from Pleasant Hills. One of the best displays we have been to. A beautiful Finlay Organ played in the background, adding a magical fairground touch to the atmosphere.
. We made it into Beechworth in time to go buy our favourite cordial from the old brewery there. What a lovely day we’ve had. The weather is magnificent down this way at the moment. Arrived just in time for a baked dinner at my cousin Marion’s farm at Mt Bruno.